Sunday 11 May 2014

HDB-PROTEM 7th Progress Meeting Minutes Dated 27 Jan. 2014







DATE              :           27th January 2014 (Monday)


TIME               :           7.00pm to 8.45pm


VENUE            :           Hougang Community Club, Conference Room


PRESENT       :           Protem Committee

Mr. Lee Meng Chin                             - Chairman

Mr. Cheong Chee Keong                    - Vice Chairman

Ms. Helen Kuen                                  - Treasurer

Mr. Cheoh Cheng Liam                       - Member

Mr. Kwan Lian Mum                            - Member

Ms. Ruth Lee                                       - Member

Ms. Christiana Chang                         - Member


Residents of Hougang Ave 7

Ms. Agnes Yuen                                  - Block 344

Mr. Tay Leong Kiat                              - Block 345

Mr. Jailani A Rahim                             - Block 346

Ms. Sharon Chia                                 - Block 348

Mr. Stephen Ng                                   - Block 349

Mr. Joseph                                          - Block 349

Ms. Adeline Kueh                                - Block 349

Mr. Tan Aik Chua                                - Block 349

Mr. Tan Cheow Beng                          - Block 349

Mr. Jimmy Goh                                    - Block 350

Mr. Yang Y.C                                      - Block 350

Mr. Jason Loo                                     - Block 350


Housing & Development Board

Ms. Carine Tan                                   - Principal Engineer

Ms. Diana Tan                                     - Senior Engineer

Ms. Sophia Lee                                   - Principal Estate Manager

Ms. Sandy Hong                                 - Estate Manager

Mr. Tan Joo Ping Jeffrey                     - Principal Administrative Executive



M/s Surbana International Consultants Pte Ltd / SIPM Consultants Pte Ltd

Mrs. Evelyn Chua                                - Project Director

Mr. Ng Cheong Kheng                        - Vice President

Ms. Jenny Wong                                 - AVP (Architectural)

Mr. Yap Teck Gim                               - Site Supervisor





                                    M/s STL Construction Pte Ltd

Mr. Jason Ng                                      - Project Director        

Mr. Song Wen Bin                               - Project Coordinator

Ms. Jasmin See                                  - Public Relations Officer

Ms. Jess Chee                                    - Public Relations Officer



Absent with Apologies:

Mr. Sulaimi Bin Erpah                         - Surbana M&E Engineer

Mr. Yin Wei                                         - STL Project Manager


Matters Discussed

Action By

Confirmation of Previous Minutes of Meeting
The previous minutes of meeting was confirmed with no amendments.
All to note
Briefing by A&A contractor
Project Director, Mr. Jason Ng, briefed the meeting on the A&A works as follows:
Update on Progress of Works
Progress of works
·Completion of Lightning Protection System installation
Completion of replacement of fire-rated timber door and refuse chute hopper
Completion of installation of steel railing for existing staircases steps
Completion of piping works installation for hose reel system
Completion of Emergency Lights & Exit Lights installation
•Completion of underground piping installation for fire hydrant
•Completion of car park lots construction works
•Completion of Switchboard Modification
·Completion of Lightning Protection System installation
Completion of replacement of fire-rated timber door and refuse chute hopper
Completion of installation of steel railing for existing staircases steps
Completion of piping works installation for hose reel system
Completion of Emergency Lights & Exit Lights installation
•Completion of underground piping installation for fire hydrant
•Completion of Switchboard Modification
·Completion of Lightning Protection System installation
Completion of replacement of fire-rated timber door and refuse chute hopper
Completion of installation of steel railing for existing staircases steps
Completion of piping works installation for hose reel system
Completion of Emergency Lights & Exit Lights installation
•Completion of Switchboard Modification
·Completion of Lightning Protection System installation
Completion of replacement of fire-rated timber door and refuse chute hopper
Completion of installation of steel railing to existing staircases steps
Completion of piping works installation for hose reel system
Completion of Emergency Lights & Exit Lights installation
•Completion of underground piping installation for fire hydrant
Modification of Switchboard – in progress
Construction of carpark works – in progress
·Completion of Lightning Protection System installation
Completion of replacement of fire-rated timber door and refuse chute hopper
Completion of installation of steel railing for existing staircases steps
Completion of piping works installation for hose reel system
Completion of Emergency Lights & Exit Lights installation
•Completion of underground piping installation for fire hydrant
Modification of Switchboard – in progress
Completion of dry riser brick wall erection at lift lobby     
•Completion of brick-up to Breeching Inlet for new Dry Riser at ground floor
Completion of piping works for new hose reel
•Completion of replacement of fire-rated timber door and refuse chute hopper
•Completion of sealing of door opening for store-rooms
Completion of new lightings installation and power at Lift Motor Room
•Completion of installation of Breeching Inlet for new Dry Riser at ground floor
Completion of Emergency Lights & Exit Lights installation
•Completion of underground piping installation for fire hydrant
·Completion of Lightning Protection System installation
Painting works for MC Office – in progress
Installation of removable panel for riser ducts – in progress
Modify switchboard – in progress
Completion of piping works for new hose reel
Completion of replacement of fire-rated timber door and refuse chute hopper
Completion of dry riser brick wall erection at lift lobby & corridor
Completion of Breeching Inlet for new Dry Riser at  ground floor
Completion of sealing of door opening for store rooms
Completion of Emergency Lights & Exit Lights installation
Completion of new lightings installation and power at lift motor room
•Completion of underground piping installation for fire hydrant
Completion of removable panel for riser ducts installation
Modify switchboard – in progress
Installation of cabinet for hose reel – in progress
Upcoming works
Replacement of Main Door to Fire-rated Timber Door (Outstanding Units)
•Replacement of Refuse Chute Hopper to fire-rated Refuse Chute Hopper (Outstanding units)
•Compartmentalisation of purchased Recess Area (Block 349)
•Replacement of Existing Refuse Chute Door (Top Most Storey)
•Spalling Concrete Repair Works within units with rebars exposed
•Installation of underground piping works for fire hydrant (Blocks 344 to 350)
•Installation of lightning protection system (Blocks 349 & 350)
•Installation of I-beam for water tank support at rooftop (Blocks 344 to 348)
•Replacement of fire rated timber door for 3rd service ducts (Blocks 344 to 348)
•Casting of opening for service ducts (Blocks 344-348)
•Car park works  
Water service work for relocation and upgrading of meters from PUB
Unit Number Plate
The colour selection of the unit number plate was confirmed at the meeting.
Ø      Black base with white numbering
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Feedbacks from Protem Committee/Residents
Car park works at Block 347
Protem feedback that the turfing was unevenly done. STL Mr. Song informed the meeting that he would look into the issue.
Bicycles Parking Condition at Block 350
On a resident’s feedback on the bicycles parking condition at the void deck of Block 350, HDB informed that this matter would be under the Town Council’s purview and would assist to forward the feedback to the Town Council.
Service Duct Doors along corridor
On a resident’s feedback that the service duct doors along corridor at the high rise blocks were infested with termites, HDB informed that this issue would be under the Town Council’s purview and would assist to forward the feedback to the Town Council.
Spalling Concrete
Protem Chairman, Mr. Lee enquired on the commencement date of the spalling concrete repair works. STL PD, Mr. Jason informed that it would commence in Mar 2014. HDB further clarified that the repair works would only be carried out within units where rebars were exposed. For other spalling concrete in the units, HDB explained that the owners would have to get them repaired at their cost, as the maintenance within the HUDC flats were the owners’ responsibility.
Fire-rated Door and Riser Duct
In response to a resident’s query on the installation of fire-rated main door, Architect Ms. Jenny explained that it was evaluated based on the fire code that any units of less than 3m from the fire escape route would be required to be installed with a fire-rated main door.
As to why the entire riser duct doors were not replaced to fire-rated doors, Architect Ms. Jenny explained that it was similar to the replacement of fire-rated main door, only those of less than 3m from the fire escape route would need to be replaced.
Driveway into car park at Block 350
Residents expressed their concerns on a blind spot along the driveway turning into Block 350 car park and requested for Branch to study the possibility of installing a mirror to prevent accidents from occurring.
STL to note
HDB to note
HDB to note
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Branch to note
Car Park Options
Surbana Architect, Ms. Jenny briefed the meeting on the following car park options to construct the replacement lots:
(a)      Blocks 348 and 349 Hougang Ave 7
Surbana explained that this was the recommended original proposed location to construct the replacement lots as it was technically the most feasible location with sufficient buffer from the units’ window to the car park and no existing underground services affected. Construction works at this location would take an estimated 4 months to complete.
(b)      Block 350 Hougang Ave 7
Surbana explained that for this option, there would be one telephone manhole affected and works would be required to either divert or lower the services. The turf area in front of Block 350 was also insufficient to accommodate all the replacement lots and some lots would have to be constructed at the rear of Block 350, where a retaining wall would be required.  Further to that, the car lots to be constructed at rear of Block 350 would be in close proximity of less than 5m to the units’ window. Hence, it was not recommended.
(c)     Block 345 Hougang Ave 7
Surbana explained that similarly for this option, telephone manholes would be affected and works would be required to either divert or lower the services. Car lots would also be in close proximity of less than 5m to the units’ window and ground units would be impacted by the shining of car headlights directly into their bedroom. Hence, it was not recommended.
(d)      Blocks 348/349 and rear of 350 Hougang Ave 7
Surbana explained that as the car lots would still be in close proximity of less than 5m to the units’ window and a retaining wall would be required at the rear of Block 350, it was not recommended. In addition, more disturbances to the residents would be created as works would be carried out at two locations.
On a resident’s query on the need to construct additional car lots for the estate, HDB explained that LTA’s guideline for providing car lots was 1 car space per residential unit. There were 286 dwelling units in the estate and based on LTA’s guideline, only 286 car lots would be required. However, as the estate initially had 304 car lots, HDB would replace an equivalent quantity of car lots. Protem Lee explained that totality of 304-17=287(after fencing) car lots seem more than enough for 286 Households, But Sector 2 comprising Blocks 347, 348, 349 and 350 have 214 Households with only 199 car lots. Sector 1 of Blocks 344, 345 and 346 are not inter-crossable with Sector 2 by car. Factually Sector 2 is short of 15 lots.
Meeting noted the evaluation of the various car park options and it was agreed to proceed with the car park works based on the recommended original proposed location at Blocks 348 and 349 Hougang Ave 7.
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Weekend Parking
Residents feedback their concerns on non-HUDC residents taking advantages of the free weekend parking at the estate, resulting in insufficient car parking lots for the HUDC residents. Branch was requested to carry out enforcement and review on the free weekend parking policy.
Linkway at Block 350 which leads to bus stop
Meeting noted that the retention of the linkway would be subjected to terms and conditions from SLA which includes that the MCST would need to obtain a Temporary Occupational Licence (TOL) from SLA upon legal privatisation and also be responsible for the maintenance of the whole linkway structure.
Staircase/Footpath Structures
HDB highlighted on the existing staircase/footpath structures which would be affected by future fencing of the estate, i.e. structures which straddle across the estate boundary.
Protem requested for HDB to retain the existing staircase structure which leads from Block 349 to 353 as Protem had the intention to install a gate at the location.
It was agreed at the meeting for HDB to remove the rest of the affected structures subject to confirmation by Protem Committee before 5 Apr 2014
After highlighting to Residents.
Branch to note
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There being no other business, the meeting ended at 8.45 pm.
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