Name our Estate

You can give your suggestion for the Estate Name here.

We are able to consider only those suggestions which have the minimum required contact details.

Unit owner's full name as in NRIC-
Block number and Floor number- i.e. 02-xxx
Suggested Name for the Estate-
reasons for the suggested name-

We will publish your name, block number and the suggestion on this website.


Anonymous said...

Name- Christina Chang
Unit- Block 350, # 10-xxx
Suggestion1- River Fiesta ( river festival)
Suggestion 2- One RiverEdge

Anonymous said...

Name - Jezamine Wong
Unit- Block 350 #08-xxx
Suggestion 1 - The Curve
Suggestion 2 - Curve View

We are situated at the curved part of Hougang Ave 7

Anonymous said...

Name - Michael Koh
Unit - Block 347 #03-xxx
Suggestion - River Park
Connecitivity of Park, River and People

Suggestion - Rainbow By The Park
Harmony and Happiness Await for People staying in this vicinity.

Anonymous said...

Name : Ng Geok Chin, Angela
Unit : Blk 350, #02-xxx
Suggestion 1: The Harvest (丰收园)
Suggestion 2: Harvest View (丰收园)

Reason:This estate is surrounded by many different kinds of fruit tree ( mango trees, rambuttan trees, jackfruit trees etc) planted more than 20 years ago. They are fruitful and bountiful and provide beautiful landscape. This lot of land is a land of harvest. And greater harvests are ahead of us all!

Anonymous said...

Name : Mr & Mrs Lim
Unit : Blk 348 #04-xx
Suggestion 1 : Sunrise Bay@Hougang
Suggestion 2: River edge@Hougang

Reason: This area use to be at the edge of Hougang and always bright & Sunny :))

Anonymous said...

Name: Mr. Hooi
Unit : Blk 349-xx

Suggestion 1 : 7th Avenue

Reason : We are located at Hougang Avenue 7