Thursday 12 June 2014

Hg7(N3)HUDC Updates to Residents 12 Jun 2014

1. Gantries at 347(Main) and 344

It is important to erect Barriers/ Gantries to prevent unauthorised/illegal parking in our estate upon legal Privatisation. Protem and HDB are in collaboration to source for Vendors to set up Barriers/Gantries as Protem lacks legal entity to act.

Pending Gantries installation, Protem proposed to HDB to erect signage of “Private estate” at strategic locations to discourage trespasses and illegal parking including Sundays and Public Holidays. Car decals will be issued to car owners. Outsider unauthorised parking will be dealt with.

2. Boundary Fencing

This is dependent on the quantum of Sinking Fund transferred to us from AHPETC(TC). We propose 2 Gantries and 6 side gates with or without closed circuit camera. This issue will be discussed in the MCST AGM. Please have a balanced view from different angles.

3. Parking Charges and Monthly maintenance fee

HDB will explain in their circular to Residents in due course.

4. Common Area Defects

Block representatives have conducted a walk about with HDB and Managing Agent
on 24 May 2014, to inspect defects in each block. Prior to this inspection, photos of defects were sent to TC for repair purposes. The consolidated defects of the 7 blocks were sent out in late May to TC GM Ms How Weng Fan with copy to Mr Png Eng Huat for their perusal. Repair work is in progress until this week. Officially on 13 Jun 2014 TC will cease responsibility and hand over to Interim Manager HDB acting as Management Corporation for the first 90 days, with an appointed Managing Agent (MA) to carry out daily maintenance. HDB will be the Caretaker for the interim period of 3 months. Eventually, a Management Corporation will be formed to oversee all future maintenance and improvements.

5. Sinking Fund

In Aug 2011 we were informed that our Estate’s audited Sinking Fund was S$1,074,940 as at 31 Mar 2010. Subsequently almost every 3 months we pursued TC to update us, and seek clarification for segregation of Accounts from the HDB Clusters after HDB/MND Privatisation Notification dated 30 Jul 2010. TC was slow to respond despite Protem meeting MP Mr Png Eng Huat at his meet the people session on several occasions. Finally in a recent meeting with Png and TC GM How Weng Fan, How said there is no requirement in the Town Council Act to segregate accounts. Png revealed verbally an unaudited figure of S$328,000 as at 31 Dec 2013 .

Given that there may be major expenditures in the past few years, there were also monthly contributions from every household of 286 units. Protem felt the amount is far too low. This Sinking Fund issue will be tabled in the MCST AGM.

6. New Carpark at 348/349

This new carpark is a replacement of 17 lots at 344 rendered obsolete in view of boundary line and future fencing of Estate. It comes under HDB purview and expense. HDB and project consultant Surbana International has made preliminary surveys on 4 sites and found that this is the best site in terms of underground pipes and Singtel cable clearance , plot size, nearness and minimum disturbance to Residents. The new car park, scheduled to be completed by 25 Jun 2014, will add a maximum 14 new lots and 1 handicap lot to Sector 2 comprising 347, 348, 349 and 350 which has 195 lots (196 lots but 1 lot converted to handicap at 347) After completion it will have 209 lots excluding 3 layby lots(visitor and service truck to register before proceeding) near 347 beside future guard house to cater to 214 households.

Sector 1 comprising 344, 345 and 346 after removal of 17 lots, still has 90 lots available for 72 households, more than sufficient. Sector 1 and sector 2 are not inter crossable by car.

7. Others

a. Fire safety compliance installation are in progress. Main Contractor STL installed 5 hosereel water tanks on roof top of the 5 low rise blocks for fire fighting purpose. 349 and 350 will be installed with water pumps connected to existing water tanks. Installation completion is expected by end Jun.

b. Proposed Name for branding our Privatised Estate. Kindly submit your favourite fresh names for consideration, 3 choices per household via Website below.

c. Block Name/Number. Please suggest as well as it should be discussed in AGM.

d. AHPETC and HDB Signage should preferably be replaced by our own design in due course.

We want your feedback and suggestion, feel free to write to us via the Website on the Tab "Feedback". If you find it difficult to access, please email to

We will respond only to the Owners who identify themselves indicating block and unit numbers, and at least one contact (Email or phone).

Thank you, with best regards.

Protem Committee

For Privatisation of Hg7(N3)HUDC